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server image
Akademicki 7.6 game.ots76.org
Uptime: 99.63%
Port: 7171
Players: 3 / 100
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 30294 players online on 443 servers
Last Update: February 12, 2025, 2:16 am

We have 534 servers in our database
Current Time: February 12, 2025, 2:16 am


Proper advertising is very important to any business. Here, on otservlist, we offer you several different methods of advertisement. We run banner campaigns, which guarantee visitors to your website, but we also run campaigns which highlight your server on our list. Below we present the list of available advertising options on otservlist with their prices. The prices are in EURO currency.

Countdown advertisement

We display the countdown to the start of your server on every page showing list of servers. The location above all other servers guarantees the best visibility to your advertisement. The advertisement is exclusive - we advertise only one server at the time to ensure the best results to our customers! It is also possible to advertise a server which has already started. The cost of this advertisement is 90€/day.

Banner campaign on otservlist.org

We run banner advertisements in cost-per-click model. The cost per click is set to 0.06€ (0.6 gold coins). The minimal campaign is 6€ (60 gold coins) which will generate your website at least 100 unique visits. To protect our advertisers we don't count multiple clicks from the same IP address. Furthermore we don't count bots such as googlebot, yahoo bot and the like.

The advertiser receives access to the statistics panel, where he can find campaign statistics. We currently run 3 banner spots: 468x60, 300x250 or 125x125.

If you are interested in buying an advertisement, please contact us using a contact form.

Highlighting your server on the list

There are two additional options which can make your server more visible on our list. You can get both of them using our gold coins, which you can be purchased after logging in. The system is fully automatic, if you are interested in advertising using one of the following methods, login to your dashboard on otservlist.org and choose a server which you would like to advertise. Easy as 1-2-3! Here is the list of available advertising options:

Yellow highlight on the list
Your server will be highlighted on our list and search results which will make it more visible among other servers. Highlighting greatly increases the attention which your server gets, increasing the number of visitors. Additionally highlighted servers receive +30 points on the list. The cost of yellow highlight is: 185 coins/week or 740 coins/month.

Featured server box
Make your server appear on the top of every page on otservlist.org! Featured server box, which is displayed below the otservlist's logo in top left corner, is a great addition to highlighting your server. We display maximally 12 servers there, which are rotated every few seconds. The cost of featured server box is: 100 coins/week or 400 coins/month.

Coins price list:
- 250 coins - 25€
- 500 coins - 50€
- 1000 coins - 50€
- 2000 coins (+200 bonus!) - 200€
- 5000 coins (+500 bonus!) - 500€

Accepted payment methods:
- PayPal, Crypto currencies